Motor Vehicle Service Notification: Is It A Scam or Not? 

Motor Vehicle Service Notification comes in a letter or a postcard. Now, is it a scam or not? The answer depends on where it comes from. Usually, people receive a postcard declaring the expiration of their car warranty. It tells you to immediately call their toll-free number and renew your car warranty to benefit from various repairing services. Extending your automobile's warranty is up to you. You could ignore the notification. But, if you get an extension, you must know if it came from your car dealership/manufacturer or if it's a scam. 

So, in this article, we'll discuss the signs that'll help you identify whether the notification you received is genuine or a scam. 

How to figure out the authenticity of the Motor Vehicle Service Notification? 

First of all, you must be wary that the notification from third-party warranty companies can look pretty accurate. It might contain all your car model's correct information. The use of language also points towards its authenticity. And sometimes a logo or watermarks are used too. But you can't trust it without knowing the source. So, how to identify the signs? READ ON! 

Incorrect record of mileage and years

The notification that states your warranty has expired or nearing it will have to mention your mileage history and years of use. If you find that information inconsistent with your actual mileage details and years of service, the letter is a scam. 

Mostly, these fake notifications use 50,000 mileage or five years to lure car owners. You can know quickly if it's genuine or not by matching the information with your vehicle's current status. And ignore the notification right away. 

The contact information doesn't match

The contact information isn't the same as mentioned on your factory manufacturer's website. You can also consult the paperwork to see if the phone number is the same. Also, to confirm things, you can call the dealership and inform them about the notification. If they deny sending such mail, throw away the postcard as it's a scam. 

Legitimate company information

A genuine motor vehicle service notification would mention the company details. If the postcard you received misses the legitimate company name and info, then clearly, it's a scam. You can consult the paperwork to check the authenticity. 

What's the easiest way to determine if the notification is accurate or a scam? 

If you're someone with a busy schedule, you don't have to go through many steps to verify the notification. You can give a call to your dealership and ask them about it. If it's them who sent it, you can then proceed accordingly. But, if they deny sending it, you can rest assured that it's a fraud. 


What information is present on a legitimate motor vehicle service notification?

You'll find:

  • Authentic company name and contact details 
  • Genuine records of previous activity of the vehicle 
  • Notification sent from dealership's correct location 
  • Notice sent when your vehicle's warranty is actually about to expire 

Is it beneficial to extend my warranty services?

It might depend on your budget. But, if you're planning to keep the car for the long term, then getting an extension might be worth it. It'll cover your basic repairs like AC servicing, engine oil change, and other issues. If you find the extension deal expensive and think your car doesn't need it, then you can pass on it. 


Motor Vehicle Service scams are common. So, be wary of them and always check the authenticity of the notice you receive. If you have any new information on this issue, let us know in the comments.